Thursday, February 28, 2008

Brave New World vs. Allegory of the Cave

Brave New World- In a world where governmental control is in the form of drugs and chemicals, Aldous Huxley presents a fictional world of chaotic control. The system is no longer dependent upon the people but the people on the system. "Joy" in the form of "happiness" is no longer a personal feeling but an emotion granted by governmental distribution of drugs. Welcome to a "Brave New World".

Allegory of the Cave- A life of imprisonment and solitude, Plato presents the concept of governmental control through means of confinement. Perception is reality in this fictional depiction of grotesque human cruelty. The means of human growth is defined through the control of the information given. Humans are no longer able to think for themselves but are told what to think. It is indeed a concept of human peril.


1 comment:

Amanda Proctor said...

I like the idea of comparing them. tho i have not see brave new wold i think it will be easly compared. tho make sure you come up with your own creative thought, not just there is more out there....
over all i like it!