Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nuclear Power vs. Fossil Fuels

Is nuclear energy a cleaner and more reliable source of energy compared to fossil fuels? I would have to answer this question with an yes. Albeit the waste products of such an operation as an nuclear power plant are extremely detrimental to nature and life in general, the amount of energy produced from this type of plant is gigantic. In fact, in terms of mass proportion to energy yield, the amount of energy that nuclear power plants produce compared to fossil fuels is phenomenal. So if nuclear energy is so much more efficient than fossil fuels, why are we as a nation so bent on burning as much fossil fuels as possible. The answer, in my opinion, is the resistance to change. We, as a nation, find it incredibly difficult to change our way of life to better our own world in which we live in. We find change too tedious of a task to endure to save our planet. And I mean, nuclear energy is the most plausible source of energy we could use to sustain our way of living today. It would be spectacular if we as a country could some how find a way to use purely based natural, clean energy; for example, solar power or wind power. But in the end, we seem too occupied with our daily lives to care. In the end, this world seriously needs to consider an alternate form of energy besides fossil fuels. Our planet is on a tension line of disaster and its only time before this line breaks.