The aesthetic beauty of the natural world is of great importance to the individuals who encompass it. To witness the rolling mountains of the San Fransisco Peaks and to smell the formidable pine wood trees is breath taking. This is the main reason I came to Northern Arizona University. It provides me with an environment for which school work is enjoyable. I love to sit out in the grass and breath in the fresh air while writing a paper. It not only offers a relaxing environment, but creates a world in itself. One can become entrapped within the bounds of this phenomenal world and not even know it. It's absolutely great. Plus, I find doing homework out in the open a applicable way of attaining superior work. In the end, the environment that surrounds us has a great impact in terms of our behavioral and social outlook. Thus, the way we view the world is in direct correlation to the way we view ourselves. In turn, the aesthetic environment can bring about a positive outlook toward oneself; not only bringing about positive self-awareness but also portraying life as great!