Monday, February 11, 2008

In this image, the author is reffering to the downfall of societal functioning by means of portraying a gender role switch. In this image, the dad and mom seem to have switched roles as parents of the house hold. The underlying effect is anarchy. In my opinion, the author seems to be over exagerating the point. It seems the author's view of gender roles is a little skewed due to the current day living. Obviously it's easy for me to agree with the previous notion, but an intitial reaction to this poster would galvanize the conception that this author is a sexist.
In addition to its original meaning, one could interpret it as being a feminist movement. Conveying to the audience that being a house hold wife isn't a "easy" job. Again switching roles, the audience is able to empathize with women of that erra; creating awareness of the sexist standards of society at that time.

1 comment:

Miss Villegas said...

I like how you engage with the image and discuss how gender roles are apparent here.