Sunday, January 27, 2008

In the above picture, a 'Caution Wet Floor' board was placed near an Eatalica burger signboard. The board itself reads 'Oogling at the burger may involuntarily cause drooling which may in turn lead to a wet floor. Issued for your safety by the management of Eatalica restaurant'. An American-Italian Food Joint in Chennai, India, this restaurant is definitely appealing to Pathos and Logos. Asserting to the notion that the audience are hungry customers, this ad acts directly on the emotions of joy and fullfilment. It also appeals to humor but on a much more subtle level. For example, a walking customer stops and reads the sign. Chuckling at its witty humor, the customer realizes that the burger does, indeed, look appetizing and that to eat one at that very moment would bring about great joy and fullfilment. So..the only option that seems rational is to purchase one. The burger would not only satisfy hunger pains but would psycologically satisfy the regret of not buying one; putting at ease the thought of missing out on what seems to be the world's greatest burger. So, by this token, the author uses logos through a simple if/then factor. If the picture potentially causes drooling, then the actual product will down right nock my socks off! In the end, this ad demonstrates a good utilization of pathos and logos. It creates a positive awareness of the product; not only using humorous appeal to draw in the audience, but logical appeal to instigate action on the audience's part.

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